Map Operations

These functions can be used to find extreme values which lie in a polygon on a GridMap . After comparing the values of each cell in a polygon, the maximum or minimum value is returned. Furthermore, one can look for extreme values and their indices. There are three different implementations available

Find Minimum

template<typename Scalar>
Scalar hector_math::findMinimum(const Eigen::Ref<const GridMap<Scalar>> &map, const Polygon<Scalar> &polygon)

Finds the minimum value in the map inside the given polygon. This method is robust against NaN values in the map.

Template Parameters:

Scalar – The floating point type that is used.

  • map – The GridMap in which we are looking for the minimum value.

  • polygon – The region in which we are looking for the minimum map value. Needs to be in map coordinates.


The minimum value or NaN if the entire polygon is outside of the map or the map has no non-NaN value inside the polygon.

Find Maximum

template<typename Scalar>
Scalar hector_math::findMaximum(const Eigen::Ref<const GridMap<Scalar>> &map, const Polygon<Scalar> &polygon)

Finds the maximum value in the map inside the given polygon. This method is robust against NaN values in the map.

Template Parameters:

Scalar – The floating point type that is used.

  • map – The GridMap in which we are looking for the maximum value.

  • polygon – The region in which we are looking for the maximum map value. Needs to be in map coordinates.


The maximum value or NaN if the entire polygon is outside of the map or the map has no non-NaN value inside the polygon.

Find Minimum and Index

template<typename EigenType>
EigenType::Scalar hector_math::findMinimumAndIndex(const EigenType &map, Eigen::Index &row, Eigen::Index &col)

Finds the minimum value in the map and the location in the form of row and col index. This method is robust against NaN values in the map.

Template Parameters:

Scalar – The floating point type that is used.

  • map – The GridMap in which we are looking for the minimum value.

  • row – The row index of the minimum.

  • col – The column index of the minimum.


The minimum value inside the map.

Find Maximum and Index

template<typename EigenType>
EigenType::Scalar hector_math::findMaximumAndIndex(const EigenType &map, Eigen::Index &row, Eigen::Index &col)

Finds the maximum value in the map and the location in the form of row and col index. This method is robust against NaN values in the map.

Template Parameters:

Scalar – The floating point type that is used.

  • map – The GridMap in which we are looking for the maximum value.

  • row – The row index of the maximum.

  • col – The column index of the maximum.


The maximum value inside the map.